After days of struggles and mind entangling, I’ve finally decided to take out the courage to take a leap of faith and pick up my writing again. I always know that I have to create, produce, or write because that little ritual keeps me happy.
I think my writing history went back to my third grade in elementary school. Before then, my writing was terrible. I always got C when every other subject were straight A. I was frustrated and did not understand that. But one day, my Chinese teacher assigned us a topic of writing the person you admired most. I was smart enough to choose my Chinese teacher because all I wanted to do was to flatter her and get a great score! Magic did happen after I handed in my story. Instead of getting an A, I got A+! I was almost thrilled to scream! She also wrote a very long paragraph to say that how she loved my article. That was the turning point that I realized, wow, I can really write! (Well, though till now I am still not sure whether that article was really amazing or was it just because I wrote so many good things about her). But anyways, my interest in writing started from there.
All these years, the only one thing that I am really proud of myself is that I keep reading. I love reading poems, literature, blogs or whatever inspiring/informational. Lately, I’ve been inspired by Nicole behind the blog Eat This Poem. I subscribed to her newsletter and her weekly email is something I always enjoy reading. I even paid for her writing course that taught me how to balance my time and become a professional writer (here is a link of the free course version). The word ‘writer’ is a pressure title to have. But Nicole is right in one thing that when you actually say it loud, you take it more seriously.
In the year of 2017, I want to read more and write more. I love sharing nice articles, beautiful outfits, good recipes, great restaurants, everything that makes me feel positive. Nicole is about to publish her new book on my birthday! I am going to preorder it for myself. But if you are like me who loves cooking and enjoy reading poetry, Eat This Poem is definitely a good one to have 🙂
Alright, something about my recent plans. I will start my Wechat public account very soon (say yeah my Chinese friends!) Even though a lot of people are already doing this, I want to write authentic contents that can inspire you. So stay tuned, I’ll keep everyone updated.
Till next time, thanks! Xoxo, Sweet Connie.